Ajanta caves are a list of 29 caves located in the city of Aurangabad in the state of Maharashtra. One of the important features about these caves is that these are rock cut. They are in the list of Buddhist cave monuments. Two important centers of attraction are the rock cut sculptures and paintings. These caves represent the classic example of ancient Indian art on the rocks. The date of construction of these caves is not actually verified but as per some data related to the archaeology, it is 2nd century BC. Because of the global relevance of these caves, these were listed in the UNESCO world heritage sites in the year 1983.

One of the important specifications related to these caves is that these were designed keeping in mind the Buddhist monasteries and the worship halls. You can find a wall of rock here that is 250 feet in height. As per the sources, the main purpose of constructing these caves was meditation. Buddhist monks have the goal to merge with the divine. These caves were designed so that they get the maximum solitude that is the key factor for enlightenment which is the ultimate goal of Buddhist faith.
Mention about Ajanta caves
There is clear mention of Ajanta caves in the earlier historical records. These caves were mentioned by Chinese Buddhist travellers as well as some scholars and historians during the Mughal era. These caves were hidden in a jungle but were discovered accidently by a colonial British officer who was going for tiger hunt.
These are the splendid caves of historical eminence. Ellora has the largest monastery cave complexes on the face of the earth. These caves are located in Aurangabad and are in the list of UNESCO world heritage sites.
Cave 16 of Ellora caves
One of the important specifications of cave 16 of Ellora caves is that it is the largest monolithic rock excavation on the face of the earth. This is a temple dedicated to Shiva, the supreme deity of Hinduism. The name of this temple is Kailasha temple. Apart from this, you will find various other gods and goddesses related to Vaishnavism and Shaktism, the two other sects of Hinduism.
Caves of Buddhism and Hinduism
In Ellora, you find the caves related to both Hinduism and Buddhism dating back to 1 millennium CE as per some historical records.